i can't git propperly

This commit is contained in:
fleaz 2023-08-04 10:57:43 +02:00
parent d4389cfcdf
commit b7ba7391c1

View file

@ -138,15 +138,12 @@
" neoformat
let g:neoformat_python_black = { 'args': ['-l 120'] }
<<<<<<< HEAD
" Set name of tmux pane
autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost,BufNewFile,BufEnter * call system("tmux rename-window 'vim " . expand("%:t") . "'")
autocmd VimLeave * call system("tmux rename-window 'tmux'")
" Enter goyo mode
nmap <Leader>gy :Goyo 50%x100%<CR>
>>>>>>> c3f5e69 (neovim: Added goyo and tmux pane renaming)
lua << EOF